Girl Scout Cookies!

Who can resist tasty Girl Scout cookies?!

I would be more than happy to assist you with all of your cookie needs. My goal is to sell 700 boxes which will pay for my entire camping experience this summer. I could certainly use your help!

Buy a few boxes of Thanks-A-Lots to give to the paperboy, the mailman, the UPS and FedEx drivers. Stash some Thin Mints in the cupboard for when company drops by. Remember, they freeze great too, so get enough so you can enjoy them year-round!

On a diet? Buy some boxes for our deployed troops and the Girl Scouts will take care of sending them out!

Use this handy shopping cart to place your order. Each box is only $3.50. You can pay with a credit or debit card, or with your PayPal account. I get all the credit for anything you buy here, and I’ll deliver the cookies to you when they come in.


Thin Mints


Carmel deLites






Peanut Butter Patties


Peanut Butter Sandwiches




Shout Outs


NOTE: Since I’m not old enough to have my own PayPal account, I’m using Dad’s. So you’ll be sending the money to his PayPal account, but he’ll make sure to get the money to the Girl Scouts and give me the order info. If not, Mom will be really mad and will take care of him. =)